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ACME aspires to improve and maintain aspects of clinician centred evidence based medical practice, which is full of innovation and has rapidly changing evidence base owing to the volume and breaths of research undertaken over last decade compared to previous century. This organisation brings zeal to an effort that is not only to provide a venue to discuss and impart important developments to the clinicians but also help train clinicians in primary care with skills that are of value to the greater community

  • To organize into an association and promote co-ordination amongst all persons, Hospitals, institutions, organizations and others engaged in or interested in or connected with Medical Education.
  • To organize seminars, workshops, meetings and discussions related to various aspects of Medical care across the globe.
  • To serve as a forum for exchange of information on Medical Education.
  • To promote research in the field of Medical Education
  • To develop and promote short-term and long-term training programs for Doctors, Individuals and Institutions .
  • To coordinate with other professional agencies, associations, companies and other organizations so as to share experiences, information, publications and resources towards professional development of Doctors, Individuals and Institutions engaged in field of Medical Care.


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